If you are thinking of upsizing and moving up to a luxury Vero Beach home, the market conditions have presented an opportunity like no other for those who are looking to make the jump to a premium or luxury home. The lack of inventory has created a seller’s market in many a price points and… [Read more…]
Housing Inventory at Almost All-Time Low
All across the country buyers are having hard time to find their dream home as inventory levels are at 30-year lows. Data from various agencies show that although buyers are actively looking for homes, sellers are not jumping with the same eagerness to list their homes. This is also true for Vero Beach real estate… [Read more…]
Strong Buyer Demand Lifts Home Prices
The housing inventory is at historic lows driving up prices and home buyers are finding that is getting harder to find that perfect home. This trend is also true here in Vero Beach as inventory levels are the lowest of the last 4 years which is driving prices higher in almost all areas. The following… [Read more…]
Home Sellers Guide Summer 2017
In this edition of the Home Sellers Guide seasonal series for Summer 2017, we look at 5 reasons to sell your Vero Beach home this summer, how to get the most money from the sale of your home, where the home prices are headed, the great news about rising prices, and much more. Take a… [Read more…]
Home Sellers Guide Winter 2016
The seasonal edition of the Home Sellers Guide for Winter 2016, explains the 5 reasons to sell your Vero Beach home this winter, how to get the most money from that sale, where the home prices are headed, how the buyers demand affect pricing, why rising prices are goodd news for sellers, the importance of… [Read more…]
Home Sellers Guide Fall 2016
This edition of the seasonal series Home Sellers Guide for Fall 2016, we look at five reasons to sell your Vero Beach home this fall, how to get the most money from that sale, where the home prices are headed, the impact of rising prices for home appraisals, the importance of using a real estate… [Read more…]
Sellers Tips – 12 ways to make moving easier
Vero Beach homes are selling fast and home owners are moving to their new homes. Moving to a new place can be stressful, so here are 12 ways to make moving easier. DATA SOURCE: IRS.gov, U-Pack Moving, U.S. Post Office, Florida Realtors. Thinking of seling? Find out how much your home is worth now. Get… [Read more…]
Home Sellers Guide Summer 2016
In this edition of the Home Sellers Guide seasonal series for Summer 2016, we look at 5 reasons to sell your Vero Beach home this summer, how to get the most money from that sale, where the home prices are headed, the importance of using an agent when selling your home, and much more. Take… [Read more…]
Home Sellers Guide – Spring 2016
In this edition of the Home Sellers Guide seasonal series for Spring 2016, we look at why spring is a good time to sell your Vero Beach house, the impact of rising prices on home appraisals, the importance of using a real estate professional when selling your home, and much more. Take a look at… [Read more…]
The Economic Impact of Home Sales
Every home that is sold has an economic impact to the local market. The infographic above shows the economic impact of home sales in each state. Home sales in Vero Beach real estate market in Florida contribute on the average $41,000 to $50,000 to the local economy as illustrated in the above infographic. The data… [Read more…]